пʼятниця, 7 вересня 2012 р.

model posing guide

If you want to be a model or become a model, you will need to learn to pose like a professional model. If you want to become a model photogrpaher, you need to be a ble to pose models. This article is about model posing techniques for photographers or people that wish to become a model.

Learn to become a model by learning to pose

Learning how to become a model and / or learning to pose both professional and armature models, is something everyone in the modeling and photography industry needs to know. As a professional model, posing and learning to work with photographers is something that will further your professional modeling career.  Posing 101 for models and photographers will cover such topics as posing in difficult situations, posing great models, what is a model’s headshot, what is a model’s comp card, what type of pictures should be in a professional model’s portfolio, proper pocket posing technique, and many more topics related to learning to be a model or learning to pose a model.


model posing guide

Posing 101 for models and photographers or... How to be a model and learn to pose.

If you want to be a successful model, you have to learn how to pose.  You might get your first gig on your looks, but without the ability to pose well, you’ll soon find yourself short on “second time” clients. 
If you’re a photographer and you want to be a people shooter, you’re going to need to be able to pose people.  Learning to pose, yourself, or someone else, is all about observation.
In commercial photography, the goal is to make the model look “normal” or “natural” doing whatever you have them doing.  I catch myself at the supermarket, watching people do everyday normal activities like pushing a shopping cart or standing in a checkout line.

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