пʼятницю, 24 серпня 2012 р.

Prince Harry nude pics: More to come?

New details have emerged from what happened that night in the Las Vegas hotel room. A woman told another British tabloid that she was invited up to the hotel room along with about two dozen others. She said one of Prince Harry's friends said, "Let's play a game of strip pool. You miss a shot, you remove a piece of clothing."

Prince Harry nude pics: More to come?

She also said Prince Harry was well aware pictures were being taken and even offered to shield one of the women playing the game from the cameras saying, "I'll protect you."

At no point did anyone ask to take away their phones or see if there were any pictures on them.
A very well-known publicist in the U.K. said he's been approached by two American women who claim to have been at the party and have pictures to sell.
What happened to Prince Harry's security detail?
There are reports that they were with him that night in the hotel room. But is it their job to protect Harry from himself?
Ken Wharfe, a former member of the royal protection detail, said yes. "When you see something clearly that's wrong, that may be of an embarrassment, I think you, as an employee, or somebody working closely there, have an obligation, or a duty, to say, 'Look, I'm not so sure this is a good idea.'"

Prince Harry nude pics: More to come?

So far, the Royal Palace hasn't said anything about the publication of these pictures in the tabloid. They are sticking to their previous statement saying that they hope the newspapers in the U.K. will respect the privacy of Prince Harry.

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